KYBALION - Galasso guitar series

Trabajo especial para el luthier (y alquimista) Ezequiel Galasso, quien en 2018 realizó una serie de guitarras creadas a partir de la madera de una biblioteca desmantelada de una antigua iglesia porteña. 
Desde T.E.G. desarrollamos el concepto y narrativa que da contexto a la serie titulada "Kybalion", libro que resume las enseñanzas del hermetismo. También diseñamos un tríptico que acompaña cada una de las guitarras autenticadas por Galasso, en una edición limitada de 50. 
Las piezas fueron impresas por Serial Imprenta en tinta dorada y negra sobre papel negro, y sobre una única pieza de madera (tomadas de la misma biblioteca) para llevar a The Holy Gail Guitar Show del 2018 en Alemania.

Special work for the luthier (and alchemist) Ezequiel Galasso, who in 2018 made a series of guitars created from the wood of a dismantled library of an old church in Buenos Aires.
From T.E.G. We develop the concept and narrative that gives context to the series entitled "Kybalion", a book that summarizes the teachings of hermeticism. We also designed a triptych that accompanies each of the guitars authenticated by Galasso, in a limited edition of 50. 
The pieces were printed by Serial Imprenta in gold and black ink on black paper, and on a single piece of wood (taken from the same library) to take to The Holy Gail Guitar Show in 2018 in Germany.
Concept and graphic design: T.E.G. studio
Alchemy / Luthier: Ezequiel Galasso
Photos: T.E.G. studio and Gonzalo Cortés
Screen-printing: Serial Imprenta
Texto: Matias Moscardi
KYBALION - Galasso guitar series

KYBALION - Galasso guitar series

Special work for the luthier (and alchemist) Ezequiel Galasso, who in 2018 made a series of guitars created from the wood of a dismantled library Read More
